Building Business & Communities Through Memorable Event Experiences
Building Business & Communities Through Memorable Event Experiences
Building Business & Communities Through Memorable Event Experiences
Building Business & Communities Through Memorable Event Experiences
Driven by the private sector, the live entertainment industry is growing more competitive everyday. Often the specialized management skills of live touring and event attraction fall outside the scope and comfort level of municipal government staff and departments. The live entertainment market, particularly in music and sport, requires the need for experienced, transparent event management specialists to support the municipal objectives of community development, civic pride and economic growth.
In recognizing the challenge for mid sized venues within secondary markets seeking to “get in the game”, AVP. was founded as one of the only live concert/event management consulting solutions with an industry leading track record that will generate results.
Atlantic Venue Partnership., is a consultancy focused on the development of sound strategy and industry best practices in major event attraction, execution and management. AVP, works with host cities, venues, talent booking agencies and event rights holders to attract live entertainment and event tourism business in a safe, fair and transparent process to protect and manage the municipal investment.
Our mandate is to provide municipal owned venues innovative and cost effective solutions for the attraction and management of turn key live event opportunities. Through industry leading partnerships, best practice experience and an established nationwide venue coalition, AVP., has had remarkable success in achieving this goal.
Atlantic Venue Partnership
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